If you have a lot on your plate, as most people do these days, it can be hard to stay home for an entire day to get replacement windows in Plano, TX installed. The day might feel super long because you are stuck at home. Instead of thinking of it that way, think about all the things you can do with that time—things you don’t normally have the time to do. Here are a few ways to fill the day with things you’ve been wanting to do, but never have time for.
Organize That File Cabinet
If you have a filing cabinet, who knows how much stuff you have shoved into it over the years. You don’t even know what all is in there and it’s certainly not organized well, right? Take some time to go through that drawer and get everything ready for more files. Take out and shred old bills and organize things by date or however you want them to go. You might be able to hide a lot more things in that cabinet once you empty out some of the old things.
Take On A Craft Project
Have you really wanted to finish that blanket you’ve been knitting? The quilt you started ages ago? The birdhouses you made, but haven’t had time to paint yet? These craft projects can take up time, which is a good thing when you are stuck at home on installation day. You can also give them out as gifts or enjoy selling them to others. It’s a great way to get the time to go fast and to accomplish something worthwhile.
Start Training That Dog
Your dog might have some, well, issues. You can spend a lot more time with him while the installers are working, and you should. The noise might freak him out so it’s nicer to be outside, away from the loudest of the work. You can take him for extra walks to wear him out and perhaps work on sit, stay, and other simple commands you’ve been wanting him to master. You have the time to spend with him and he will eat it up.
Fill Out Cards
If you like to send birthday cards to people, but you always forget or don’t have time to get them out the door, get a bunch of cards and then spend the day filling them out. You can have them all addressed so all you have to do is send them out on the right date. Keep them in your calendar and the process is simple. Your family and friends will be touched you thought of them.
There are plenty of other things you can do when you are looking into replacement windows in Plano, TX and the installation is arising soon. Contact the professionals at Southwest Door & Window to find out how long the installation will take so you know just how much time you are going to have to kill until the project is complete.