You pay your energy bill every month. You know it is going up. And why? Energy prices aren’t rising as fast as your bills so what’s the deal? Depending on your energy source, energy costs might have even decreased! It’s likely that you are wasting energy in your home due to inefficient windows and drafty doors. It doesn’t matter to the energy company if you are benefiting from the energy you use or not. You have to pay for it either way!
If that sounds like your situation, you might want to look at the construction of your windows. Thousands of dollars in energy are being sucked out of inefficient windows in the Irving, TV area every year. And you’re tired of your home being a part of the problem! If you’re considering new windows, energy efficiency is very important and that’s where argon gas-filled custom windows come into play.
Old Window Issues
Old windows cause a lot of issues in a home because they usually only have single pane glass, which can be drafty and inefficient from the start. You’ll lose your cool air through the glass and the spaces around the window as times goes by. You might also see warping on the windows, which will lose even more of your energy to the outside world. So what do you do about it? Find the best quality replacement windows and ensure that they have argon glass fillings between double or triple panes!
How Does Argo Gas Work?
Even double pane windows with air between the panes will be better than single pane windows, but when you live with the Irving, TX heat, you want even better protection than that. Argon gas is denser than air, which will allow your home more thermal insulation efficiency. When you also get a low-E glass coating, argon gas windows will bring the temperature of the windows closer to the room temperature. The best quality replacement windows will eliminate air currents and drafts that can occur when the indoor and outdoor temperatures meet.
Are Argon Windows Right for You?
Argon windows are more expensive than regular double-pane windows, but the long-term benefits of energy efficiency can be downright priceless. High efficiency windows give you a lot of benefits, such as lowering your energy costs and increasing your home’s value. Most of all, you want comfort for your home and the best quality replacement windows with argon gas between the panes can do that for you as well.
Best Home Window Replacement Options
When you are ready to move forward with new windows Irving, TX, you can get the best options in the Irving, TX region from Southwest Door & Window. We know windows and we know the Texas heat. We can match your home and your efficiency goals with the right high-quality window, complete with argon gas fillings. Give us a call today for a free consultation at 214-341-2212. Or stop by and see us at 10255 Miller Rd Dallas, TX 75238.