Replacement Windows For All Sizes

Getting replacement windows in Dallas, TX isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. You will need to get the right windows in the right size for every opening you have to fill. But there’s a lot more to consider than simple measurements. You will want to think about the window type and style that would be best for the sizes you have on your home—or the sizes you want on your home since now is a great time to make changes. Here are a few options to consider:

Large Window Areas

If you have a wall that has a lot of windows on them, or one large window, there are choices to make when you get replacements. You could stick with what you have and if you like it, that’s the best option. But you might consider some of these as well. First, the picture window. This is a great choice if you don’t need ventilation, but want more of a view and more natural light. You can also always put other windows around it to ventilate, if you need to. Large areas of windows are greatly served by picture windows. Second, a bay or bow window. If you want to add square footage to your house and get more angles to your view, better light, and an interesting architectural addition, this is a great option that can really make a room pop. Third, you could also install a bank of windows, like four sets of casement windows in a row.

Normal Window Areas

These areas are the one that seem average. They’re for normal, everyday windows. They are best served by the window style you like and that fits into that space well. Consider casement windows for their ventilation purposes and natural light as well as efficiency. Some people like to put double hung windows in, especially on the second floor, since you can tilt them in to clean them and so you have the option of just opening the top half for an added safety feature.

Small Window Areas

Whether you have a small window area, or want to create one, there’s lots you can do. Lighten up that dark hallway with a slider window closer to the ceiling. Consider a long, narrow window next to the front door. Or place a shaped window above a door or elsewhere. A circle or octagon can really stand out on a home.

When you are ready to talk about all the window areas you have need of replacing, contact the professionals at Southwest Door & Window by calling (214) 341-2212. We’ve helped with replacement windows in Dallas, TX for every size opening you can imagine and we’re here to make suggestions for what you have to work with on your home. You’re welcome to visit our showroom to get ideas at 10255 Miller Rd Dallas, TX 75238 and we can show you around, talk efficiency, and get details from you for your project. We want every window area to end up just how you want it.
