Maintaining Black Frames

Owning a home requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep. A lot of people, however, fail to realize that the windows in their homes require just as much maintenance as a lot of other common things to clean. If you have black-framed fiberglass windows, for example, then you may be surprised to hear that these types of frames require some effort on your part in order to maintain their beautiful shine. Curious to learn more? We are going to reveal all of the most important maintenance tips to do. Our replacement windows in Plano, TX are highly recommended by all of our customers. Stop by or give us a call today!

Remove Debris

When attempting to take care of and maintain your black window frames, you may be wondering where you should start. Truthfully, these window frames are extremely simple to maintain, so there is no use in overthinking them. We recommend that you begin by first removing any and all debris that may have accumulated on your window frames. Due to the fact that black window frames are often exposed to the outdoor elements, it is only natural and expected that there to be a good amount of buildup and accumulation over time. Clearing your frames of debris is simple as all that is required of you to do is grab a soft-bristled brush of any kind to remove things like dirt, mud, dust, debris, cobwebs, and more! Additionally, once you have finished removing the debris from your frames, we recommend giving the windows good spraying afterward with some water.

Use a Gentle Cleaner

Unfortunately, when people clean their windows, a lot of them make the mistake of using an old cleaner on their frames. Truthfully, this could lead to unwanted discoloration and even damage! To avoid the hassle of having to purchase new replacement windows due to harsh chemicals, we suggest opting for a gentle cleaner when it comes time to clean your window frames. You can either opt for a combination of warm water and dish soap or warm water and vinegar. Both of these options are light and pose no threat to the beauty of your black frames. If you wish to opt for a cleaner that you purchased, we suggest testing it out on a small area of the window to ensure that it will not cause any unwanted discoloration or fading after use.

Microfiber Cloth

After you’ve made sure that your black frames are sparkling like new, it’s finally time to clean the fiberglass itself. We recommend using a soft microfiber cloth as this will make sure that the glass of your windows will not be scratched or damaged from cleaning. Additionally, it could be a good idea to have more than one microfiber cloth on hand so that you may dry the window when you are finished cleaning it.

Stay on Schedule

While it is not required that you clean your black window frames daily, since they are black you will want to clean them at least twice a year.

Learn more about our replacement windows in Plano, TX!
